Case Studies

Integrating RBCF into financial products
This report explores how results-based climate finance can be integrated into the funding and financing instruments of development finance institutions to help
mobilize capital and accelerate NDC implementation.

Natural Climate Solutions Crediting Handbook
The Natural Climate Solutions (NCS) Crediting Handbook, written with the Environmental Defense Fund, seeks to provide the reader with a clear introduction to the world of NCS crediting, and an impartial, accessible guide to support their decision making.

Measuring the Crisis Protection Gap
This report explores the feasibility of developing quantitative estimates of the costs of crisis protection across a variety of geographies and crisis types.

Planning Decisions, Adaptive Capacity and Insurability: Findings from a Case Study of Flooding in Somerset, UK
This study, for the University of Cambridge Institute for Sustainability Leadership's (CISL) ClimateWise, considers whether planning practice delivers protection from flooding for 100 years. It looks at two case studies in Somerset that explore both fluvial and surface water flooding risk. It was written in conjunction with Climate Sense.

Financing Options for Jamaica's Blue Economy
This report provides analysis and evidence that the government of Jamaica and other stakeholders can use as they consider how to support finance and investment flows into the blue economy.

Recommendations for a Blue Economy Roadmap for Jamaica
This report sets out a Roadmap of activities that can support Jamaica in realising its blue economy potential.

Finance Fit for Change
This report, for the Under 2 Coalition, looks at how states and regions can raise funds to accelerate to net zero and adapt to climate change. It also explores ways in which subnational governments can effectively spend government finance and how they can help other groups to invest in climate action.

Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanisms: Implications for South Africa
This report, written on behalf of Genesis Analytics for South Africa's Presidential Climate Commission, explores the design of the European Union's Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism and its likely impacts on the South African economy.

Economic Analysis of Glasgow's Green Deal
This report assesses the economic benefits that can be delivered by successful implementation of Glasgow's Green Deal. It looks at both the likely benefit cost ratios and employment potential associated with investments in each of the Green Deal's eight focus areas.

Financing Options for Glasgow's Green Deal
This report explores the options that are available to Glasgow City Council to finance its Green Deal. It explores ways in which the Council can raise additional capital to support its ambitions as well as the options for deploying that capital that are likely to have high impact.

Designing Climate Insurance
Working with ODI and the InsuResilience Global Partnership, this report provides a practical methodology for assessing the value for money of premium and capital subsidies for insurance solutions. Its focus is on insurance solutions that aim to support the climate resilience of poor and vulnerable countries and people.

Narrowing the Disaster Risk Protection Gap in Central Asia
This report explores the current approach to disaster risk finance in each member state of the CAREC region. It aims to identify opportunities to strengthen financing arrangements for disaster risk and to inform the design of a regional disaster risk transfer facility.

Listed Company Emissions
Written jointly with Generation Investment Management, this report finds that listed companies are responsible for at least 40% of global greenhouse gas emissions. This underscores the importance of investors in driving climate action.

A Systems-Wide Approach for Infrastructure Resilience
This report considers how climate change impacts on infrastructure will create financial and macroeconomic risks. To respond, it sets out how Ministries of Finance can take a systems-wide approach to providing infrastructure resilience.

Disaster Risk Finance - A Toolkit
This toolkit provides policymakers in developing countries with practical guidance on how to select disaster risk finance instruments. It enables actors who hold risk, and their partners, to better understand, reduce and manage these risks and to finance activities accordingly.

Enhancing the Private Sector’s Readiness to Deliver Climate Change Outcomes in Southern Africa
This report explores the private sector’s involvement in addressing climate change in Southern Africa. It identifies key barriers and the reform options that could address them.

Integrating RBCF into financial products
This report explores how results-based climate finance can be integrated into the funding and financing instruments of development finance institutions to help
mobilize capital and accelerate NDC implementation.

Natural Climate Solutions Crediting Handbook
The Natural Climate Solutions (NCS) Crediting Handbook, written with the Environmental Defense Fund, seeks to provide the reader with a clear introduction to the world of NCS crediting, and an impartial, accessible guide to support their decision making.

Planning Decisions, Adaptive Capacity and Insurability: Findings from a Case Study of Flooding in Somerset, UK
This study, for the University of Cambridge Institute for Sustainability Leadership's (CISL) ClimateWise, considers whether planning practice delivers protection from flooding for 100 years. It looks at two case studies in Somerset that explore both fluvial and surface water flooding risk. It was written in conjunction with Climate Sense.

Financing Options for Jamaica's Blue Economy
This report provides analysis and evidence that the government of Jamaica and other stakeholders can use as they consider how to support finance and investment flows into the blue economy.

Recommendations for a Blue Economy Roadmap for Jamaica
This report sets out a Roadmap of activities that can support Jamaica in realising its blue economy potential.

Finance Fit for Change
This report, for the Under 2 Coalition, looks at how states and regions can raise funds to accelerate to net zero and adapt to climate change. It also explores ways in which subnational governments can effectively spend government finance and how they can help other groups to invest in climate action.

Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanisms: Implications for South Africa
This report, written on behalf of Genesis Analytics for South Africa's Presidential Climate Commission, explores the design of the European Union's Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism and its likely impacts on the South African economy.

Economic Analysis of Glasgow's Green Deal
This report assesses the economic benefits that can be delivered by successful implementation of Glasgow's Green Deal. It looks at both the likely benefit cost ratios and employment potential associated with investments in each of the Green Deal's eight focus areas.

Financing Options for Glasgow's Green Deal
This report explores the options that are available to Glasgow City Council to finance its Green Deal. It explores ways in which the Council can raise additional capital to support its ambitions as well as the options for deploying that capital that are likely to have high impact.

Designing Climate Insurance
Working with ODI and the InsuResilience Global Partnership, this report provides a practical methodology for assessing the value for money of premium and capital subsidies for insurance solutions. Its focus is on insurance solutions that aim to support the climate resilience of poor and vulnerable countries and people.

Listed Company Emissions
Written jointly with Generation Investment Management, this report finds that listed companies are responsible for at least 40% of global greenhouse gas emissions. This underscores the importance of investors in driving climate action.

A Systems-Wide Approach for Infrastructure Resilience
This report considers how climate change impacts on infrastructure will create financial and macroeconomic risks. To respond, it sets out how Ministries of Finance can take a systems-wide approach to providing infrastructure resilience.

Disaster Risk Finance - A Toolkit
This toolkit provides policymakers in developing countries with practical guidance on how to select disaster risk finance instruments. It enables actors who hold risk, and their partners, to better understand, reduce and manage these risks and to finance activities accordingly.

Enhancing the Private Sector’s Readiness to Deliver Climate Change Outcomes in Southern Africa
This report explores the private sector’s involvement in addressing climate change in Southern Africa. It identifies key barriers and the reform options that could address them.

Integrating RBCF into financial products
This report explores how results-based climate finance can be integrated into the funding and financing instruments of development finance institutions to help
mobilize capital and accelerate NDC implementation.

Natural Climate Solutions Crediting Handbook
The Natural Climate Solutions (NCS) Crediting Handbook, written with the Environmental Defense Fund, seeks to provide the reader with a clear introduction to the world of NCS crediting, and an impartial, accessible guide to support their decision making.

Measuring the Crisis Protection Gap
This report explores the feasibility of developing quantitative estimates of the costs of crisis protection across a variety of geographies and crisis types.

Financing Options for Jamaica's Blue Economy
This report provides analysis and evidence that the government of Jamaica and other stakeholders can use as they consider how to support finance and investment flows into the blue economy.

Recommendations for a Blue Economy Roadmap for Jamaica
This report sets out a Roadmap of activities that can support Jamaica in realising its blue economy potential.

Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanisms: Implications for South Africa
This report, written on behalf of Genesis Analytics for South Africa's Presidential Climate Commission, explores the design of the European Union's Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism and its likely impacts on the South African economy.

Designing Climate Insurance
Working with ODI and the InsuResilience Global Partnership, this report provides a practical methodology for assessing the value for money of premium and capital subsidies for insurance solutions. Its focus is on insurance solutions that aim to support the climate resilience of poor and vulnerable countries and people.

Narrowing the Disaster Risk Protection Gap in Central Asia
This report explores the current approach to disaster risk finance in each member state of the CAREC region. It aims to identify opportunities to strengthen financing arrangements for disaster risk and to inform the design of a regional disaster risk transfer facility.

A Systems-Wide Approach for Infrastructure Resilience
This report considers how climate change impacts on infrastructure will create financial and macroeconomic risks. To respond, it sets out how Ministries of Finance can take a systems-wide approach to providing infrastructure resilience.

Disaster Risk Finance - A Toolkit
This toolkit provides policymakers in developing countries with practical guidance on how to select disaster risk finance instruments. It enables actors who hold risk, and their partners, to better understand, reduce and manage these risks and to finance activities accordingly.

Enhancing the Private Sector’s Readiness to Deliver Climate Change Outcomes in Southern Africa
This report explores the private sector’s involvement in addressing climate change in Southern Africa. It identifies key barriers and the reform options that could address them.